

Pointe Noire is a city in Republic of the Congo.





we will see

Conkouati-Douli National Park

Republic of the Congo
The Conkouati-Douli National Park is a UNESCO recognised coastal national park in the Republic of the Congo. Created by Presidential Decree No. 99-136 on 14 August 1999, it covers an area of 504,950 ha and is located in the Kouilou Department, straddling the districts of Nzambi-Madingo and Kayes in the extreme northwest of the department. It is located near the villages of Cotovindou and Louléma along the border between Congo and Gabon, at the point of intersection with the National Route 5. Conkouati-Douli National Park has is managed by the Ministry of forest Economy and Durable Development (MEFDD) in partnership with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). The responsibilities of both partners are outline in an agreement protocol. In 2014, the park coordination is assured by a conservator/ coordinatior of MEFDD and a Principal Technical Advisor of WCS. They are assisted by an assictant conservator (MEFDD) and an administrator/ accountant (WCS). The park counts 70 permanent employees of whom 95% are recruited locally. During the annual marine turtle nesting season between October and March every year, another 30 people are recruited locally to monitor the beaches. Activities include community outreach, biological research and tourism development. The park surveillance team counts 36 guards in early 2014.