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Sangay National Park

, a UNESCO World Heritage Site




human settlement



Coca (Ecuador)

human settlement


Sights (3)


volcano and highest mountain in Ecuador; the summit is the farthest point on the Earth's surface from the Earth's center (as well as the closest point to the moon on Earth)







place in Chimborazo Province, Ecuador



we will see


Someday we will visit Riobamba or begin to dream about going there! However, for now its not on our radar. Let us know in the comments if you think that should change!


Riobamba is a city in the Andean highlands of Ecuador. It is known locally as the "Sultan of the Andes". Riobamba sits in a valley surrounded by several large hills and snowcapped mountains. It's perhaps best known as the former starting point of the train ride to Nariz del Diablo, which now leaves from Alausi.

Riobamba is located in the center of the country in the sierra region, in close proximity to the Chimborazo volcano. Like many cities in Ecuador, Riobamba has a near constant temperature year-round, with a wet and dry season. Its altitude (2754 m) and closeness to Chimborazo give the city a cool climate year-round, with temperatures averaging between 23 °C and 14 °C.

The region surrounding Riobamba was inhabited by the Puruhá nation before the advance of the Incas during the late 15th century. The Puruhas presented a fierce resistance to the Inca intentions of conquering the north of today's Ecuador, and therefore obliged the Inca Huayna Capac to find an alliance in order to pacify the tribes who sided with Condorazo, the general of the Puruha nation. This alliance sealed the peace between the Shyris confederation, named by the Jesuit historian Juan de Velasco to the group of tribes whose ruler were the Duchicela dynasty, and the Inca Empire. The Inca Huayna Capac took as his wife the princess Paccha and gave special treatment and social status privileges to the higher castes of the new subjects. The offspring of this dynastic relation was Atahualpa, the last king of the Incas.

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Information for getting there

When someday comes you'll need to get in.

Information for getting around

When someday comes you'll need to be able to get around.

Your tips and questions

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No climate information is available for this destination.

Useful links